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High value customer alerts

The first business number app built specifically for Shopify

WhatsApp Recovery

WhatsApp is rich media. Recover with video chat demos, detailed photos or call for super high conversion rates.

FaceTime Recovery

FaceTime is on every Apple device. With video capability provides options like tours or demos to make sales.

Phone Recovery

Phone calls are tried and tested. Some customers/products require 'high touch' pre-sale service.

Text Recovery

Text messages have a 95% open rates. That's 2-3x more than email. That translates to much higher recovery rates.

Email Recovery

If you can't call or text, personalized emails are best. They work even better as compliments to auto-emails.

Custom Channels

Want to connect with customers in your own way? Request a custom channel through the Shop Phone app.

Customer Testimonials

"Awesome app that has had amazing results selling large purchases. We had some initial fears over calling abandoned carts but being a premium brand in a niche market means we always get a warm welcome a high rate of success."
"Shop Phone has already helped me recover a sale for $1200. I contacted the customer via text, he told me what his issue was and I immediately resolved it to close the deal. He was also looking for the same product on other sites at the time."